
| Wednesday, June 30, 2010 | |


Nokia re-bind one cell with a cell phone emas.Salah successful enough that a mini N97.

Given the name Mini Gold Edition N97, this phone dressed up with gold coating on casingnya. And to pamper among fashionistas, there are also applications that linked diponsel fashion to allow users to follow the latest tern.

As always a matter of specification, no different from the version of this luxurious than the regular version. Features like the touchscreen display, full qwerty keyboard, Wi Fi, 5 megapixel camera to remain immersed in it. This phone is available in the territory of the middle east, Asia and Africa.

As for prices, as quoted from the UnwiredView detikNET, prices range from U.S. $ 850 or about USD 8 million. Classic 6700 version also previously been presented in a gold wrapping.

Rahasia cantik wanita jepang

| Wednesday, June 30, 2010 | , |
Rahasia cantik wanita jepang
ini buat tip-tip cewek-cewek, cowok juga boleh kalau pingin tahu ! Kalian tahu tidak kenapa wanita jepang dan cewek jepang cantik dan sexy. Wanita Jepang dan cewek jepang itu ternyata memiliki gaya hidup yang bagus, contohnya : 



Rahasia cantik wanita jepang

Tubuh langsing para wanita dan cewek jepang dipengaruhi oleh pola makan mereka, menurut tentang buku Naomi. Perilaku yang perfeksionis dan displin yang tinggi. Ada 7 hal utama yang menimbulkan fenomena langsing dan panjang umur yaitu :

1. Kebiasaan makan ikan.
Kita paham orang jepang tidak bisa lepas dari ikan, terutama ikan salmon, menjadi makanan nomer satu dan paling digemari di jepang.

2. Mengkonsumsi sayuran.
Menurut Naomi, makan pagi berupa sayuran adalah hal yang biasa. Meski ringan tapi mengenyangkan.

3. Makan Nasi secukupnya
Di jepang nasi disajikan dalam jumlah relatif sedikit, 2 mangkok kecil di tambah dengan hidangan lain.

4. Kacang kedele.
Tiada hari tanpa kedele, itulah masakan jepang.

5. Makan Mie
Ada soba, udon, Ramen, dan Somen. Rasannya berbeda-beda, dengan tekstur masing-masing.

6. Minum teh
Eisai, Adalah seorang pandita Zen yang dianggap sebagai pencetus kecanduan teh di jepang. Predikat diberikan berkat Buku yang ditulisnya tahun 1211 berjudul "Drink Tea and Prolong Life" ?. Buku itu mengupas khasiat teh,terutama teh hijau di jepang, ini sangat menghargai karena bisa menjadi pelindung kesehatan dan panjang umur.

7. Camilan Buah-buahan
Orang jepang tidak terlalu banyak makan buah. Mereka makan buah sebagai camilan dan makan dalam bentuk masih segar, bukan olahan. Mereka juga tidak terbiasa makan kue manis, biskuit, donat dan hidangan  penutup yang dipanggang, bakar, apalagi kemasan.

Ternyata tampilan langsing dan panjang umur tidak sulit bukan ? Juga tak perlu keluar banyak uang. Cukup membenahi pola makan, lagi pula hasil bumi indonesia tidak jauh beda dengan jepang. Mulai dari ikan sampai buah-buahan. Yang membedakan hanyalah masalah kebiasaan serta kedisplinan. Let's try !

Cara mudah gaya hidup jepang untuk tampil sehat dan cantik

terlihat sehat dan cantik? siapapun menginginkannya. Perlu cara mewujudkan dua kata ini. Sehat bisa diperoleh dengan olahraga menjaga pola makan. Sedangkan cantik, disamping karunia Tuhan yang diberikan sejak lahir, juga diperoleh dengan melakukan perawatan. Ingin terlihat cantik dan sehat, coba kita tiru wanita dan cewek jepang. Selain memperlihatkan fashion dan make-up, mereka mendapakan kecantikan dengan berolahraga dan memperhatikan kebiasaan makan, Caranya tidak sulit, cukup mudah dan murah untuk kita lakukan. Diantaranya :

1. Suka makan Rumput Laut
Rata-rata hidangan jepang terdiri dari rumput laut, dibanding makanan lain, rumput laut mengandung banyak mineral yang penting bagi tubuh seperti kalsium, magnesium, fosfor, besi, dan potassium.

2. Makan Sushi
Sushi sangat sehat, Nasi dan ikan mentah yang tergabung dalam sushi, sedikit mengandung lemak (30 persen), dan lebih banyak ,mengandung asam lemak omega-3.

3. Minum teh hijau
Agaknya minum teh hijau tidak hanya disukai oleh orang jepang, kini orang indonesia mulai suka minuman sehat ini. Ada banyak bukti ilmiah yang menunjukan keuntungan, sebagai antioksidan, teh hijau mampu mencegah penuaan dini. Menurunkan resiko radang perut, mencegah serangan jantung, liver, menunda perkembangan kanker, serta menghambat obersitas.

4. Biasa JALan kaki
kemana saja tujuan mereka, asal jauh jaraknya masih bisa ditempuh dengan jalan kaki, orang jepang tidak malas melakukannya. Maka jangan heran jika wanita atau cewek jepang yang  cantik, makin terlihat cantik dengan jalan kaki menyehatkan jantung sekaligus mengencangkan kulit.

ingat itu ya para wanita-wanita dan cewek-cewek, semoga sangat bermanfaat.


| Sunday, June 27, 2010 | |


Oleh: Dr. Paul Gunadi

Salah satu alasan paling umum mengapa kita menikah adalah karena cinta -- cinta romantik, bukan cinta agape, yang biasa kita alami sebagai prelude ke pernikahan. Cintalah yang meyakinkan kita untuk melangkah bersama masuk ke mahligai pernikahan.
Masalahnya adalah, walaupun cinta merupakan suatu daya yang sangat kuat untuk menarik  dua individu, namun ia tidak cukup kuat untuk merekatkan keduanya.
Makin hari makin bertambah keyakinan saya bahwa yang diperlukan untuk merekatkan kita dengan pasangan kita adalah kecocokan, bukan cinta.
Saya akan jelaskan apa yang saya maksud.
Biasanya cinta datang kepada kita ibarat seekor burung yang tiba-tiba hinggap di atas kepala kita. Saya menggunakan istilah "datang" karena sulit sekali (meskipun mungkin) untuk membuat atau mengkondisikan diri mencintai seseorang.
Setelah cinta menghinggapi kita, cinta pun mulai mengemudikan kita ke arah orang yang kita  cintai itu. Sudah tentu kehendak rasional turut berperan dalam proses pengemudian ini. Misalnya, kita bisa menyangkal hasrat cinta karena alasan-alasan tertentu. Tetapi, jika tidak ada alasan-alasan itu, kita pun akan menuruti dorongan cinta dan berupaya mendekatkan diri dengan orang tersebut.

Cinta biasanya mengandung satu komponen yang umum  yakni rasa suka.

Sebagai contoh, kita berkata bahwa pada awalnya  kita tertarik dengan gadis atau pria itu karena  kesabarannya, kebaikannya menolong kita, perhatiannya yang besar terhadap kita, wajahnya yang cantik atau  sikapnya yang simpatik, dan sejenisnya. Dengan kata  lain, setelah menyaksikan kualitas tersebut di atas timbullah  rasa suka terhadapnya sebab memang sebelum kita bertemu dengannya kita sudah menyukai kualitas tersebut. Misalnya, memang kita mengagumi pria yang sabar, memang kita menghormati wanita yang  lemah lembut, memang  kita mengukai orang yang rela menolong orang lain dan seterusnya.

Jadi, rasa suka muncul karena kita menemukan yang  kita sukai pada dirinya.

Saya yakin cinta lebih kompleks dari apa yang  telah  saya uraikan.

Namun khusus untuk pembahasan kali ini, saya membatasi lingkup cinta hanya pada unsur suka saja. Cocok dan suka tidak  identik namun  sering dianggap demikian. Saya berikan contoh.

Saya  suka rumah yang  besar dengan taman yang luas, tetapi belum tentu saya cocok tinggal  di rumah yang besar seperti itu. Saya tahu saya tidak cocok tinggal  di rumah sebesar itu sebab saya bukanlah tipe  orang yang rajin  membersihkan dan memelihara taman (yang dengan  cepat akan bertumbuh kembang menjadi hutan). Itulah salah satu contoh  di  mana suka tidak  sama dengan cocok. Contoh yang lain. Rumah saya  kecil dan cocok dengan saya yang berjadwal lumayan sibuk dan  kurang  ada waktu mengurusnya.
Namun saya kurang suka dengan rumah  ini karena bagi  saya, kurang besar (tamannya). Pada contoh ini  kita  bisa melihat  bahwa cocok berlainan dengan suka. Pada intinya,  yang saya sukai  belum tentu ocok buat saya; yang cocok dengan  saya  belum pasti saya sukai. Sekarang kita akan melihat kaitannya dengan pemilihan pasangan hidup.

Tatkala kita mencintai seseorang, sebenarnya kita terlebih dahulu menyukainya, dalam pengertian kita suka dengan ciri tertentu pada dirinya. Rasa suka yang besar (yang akhirnya berpuncak pada cinta) akan menutupi rasa tidak suka yang lebih kecil dan -- ini yang penting -- cenderung menghalau ketidakcocokan yang ada di antara  kita. Di sinilah terletak awal masalah.

Ini yang acap kali terjadi dalam masa berpacaran.

Rasa suka meniup pergi ketidakcocokan di antara kita, bahkan pada akhirnya kita beranggapan atau berilusi bahwa rasa suka itu identik dengan kecocokan. Kita kadang berpikir atau berharap,  "Saya menyukainya, berarti saya (akan) cocok dengannya." Salah besar!

Suka tidak sama dengan cocok, cinta tidak identik dengan cocok!
Alias, kita mungkin mencintai seseorang yang sama sekali tidak cocok dengan kita.

Pada waktu Tuhan menciptakan Hawa untuk menjadi istri Adam, Ia menetapkan satu kriteria yang khusus dan ini hanya ada pada penciptaan istri manusia, yakni, "Aku akan menjadikan penolong baginya, yang sepadan dengan dia." (genesis2.18).
Kata "sepadan" dapat kita ganti dengan kata "cocok." Tuhan tidak hanya menciptakan seorang wanita buat Adam yang dapat dicintainya, Ia sengaja menciptakan seorang wanita yang cocok untuk Adam.
Tuhan tahu bahwa untuk dua manusia bisa hidup bersama mereka harus cocok. Menarik sekali bahwa Tuhan tidak mengagungkan cinta (romantik) sebagai prasyarat pernikahan. Tuhan sudah memberi kita petunjuk bahwa yang terpenting bagi suami dan istri adalah kecocokan. Ironisnya adalah, kita telah menggeser hal esensial yang  Tuhan tunjukkan kepada kita dengan cara mengganti kata "cocok" dengan kata "cinta." Tuhan menginginkan yang terbaik bagi kita, itulah sebabnya Ia telah menyingkapkan hikmat-Nya kepada kita.

Sudah tentu cinta penting, namun yang terlebih penting ialah, apakah ia cocok denganku?

Saya teringat ucapan Norman Wright, seorang pakar keluarga di Amerika Serikat, yang mengeluhkan bahwa dewasa ini orang lebih banyak mencurahkan waktu untuk menyiapkan diri memperoleh surat ijin mengemudi dibanding dengan mempersiapkan diri untuk memilih pasangan hidup. Saya kira kita telah termakan oleh motto,  "Cinta adalah segalanya," dan melupakan fakta di lapangan bahwa cinta (romantik) bukan segalanya.

Jadi, kesimpulannya ialah, "cintailah yang cocok dengan kita! "


Kiss a variety of sensations

| Thursday, June 24, 2010 | |
Kiss a variety of sensations

We see and we all know and ktia know when we see someone else or yourself, again kissing How wonderful we excite lust and passion with the opposite sex. A kiss full of style and sensation all need a kiss, children, adolescents and adults. Because the outpouring of affection, including kissing and love. But a kiss is not just done with the opposite sex, everything free in accordance with what we love and we want to smell, not very surprising. Use your lips to kiss you in front of something valuable and meaningful. Remember that...! MCT9GSYSYK94


LOVE Content

| Thursday, June 24, 2010 | |

Love, beautiful works of the Creator
began in heaven ...
included in the souls of Adam and Eve
Then the offspring to every soul
With different levels ...

Melodious voice, to be heard
Beautiful panorama, to the show
Was true love, to feel
By a pure heart
Net of lust and sexual desire

Love is nothing but an inscription
Who woke up on the beach tempest
One thing that makes a strong stand
determination to always be faithful

Whether used to come decorate the day
Or who come to grief
Love is sharing
Because really!
Although buried in two sports
Couple has only one liver

The low heart arrogance
Lambent intrinsic meaning of love
Like a beautiful voice ...
Long increasingly drawn to the left
The further the stone fly to right


Love ...
Another name for courage
until is always placed above the liver lovers
By a voyage that hacked
Towards the island of happiness

Melt your heart ...
Then similar liver lovers
To keep it fresh and clean
For such is love

Share ...
That's the core of true love
Joy and sorrow waves
Always served delicious
When perceived by two hearts ...

Some things are hard to explain with words
One love
Only a sincere conscience
Able to produce good paintings
About ...

Love is not the object, which looks
But the lure in steady rhythm of the feeling
Stored neatly in the living heart
Only a true lover who knows

Do not call it love ...
Before the last drops had also seeped into the soul
Then every word and action that created
Always based upon


"NO LIFE WITHOUT FAILURE, defeat, and fall ... ... ... ...


Stand up straight BACK ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

NOT LOOKING BACK, PAST has passed ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

Life goes on ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....

"LIGHT WHEN MONETARY focus will burn PAPER" ~ Alexander Graham Bell


a time when we can conquer the wind, waves, tides and gravity, we will utilize the energy of love. Then, for the second time in world history, mankind will find fire

Love Story in the Movie Titanic

| Tuesday, June 22, 2010 | |
Love story in the movie titanic

What is more meaningful than the love story in the movie Titanic, is
> How different characters react in the presence of facial
The approaching death:
> 1. The designer of the ship seemed to feel guilty, he was sad and sorry,
> Reflect on the mistakes he has made, and let the other
ran to the lifeboats.
> 2. The captain looked full of bondage, trapped by
damaged its reputation and retirement dreams shattered. He was holding his hat
do not try to escape, silent waiting for death.
Too arrogant?
> 3. The bad guys really immoral, tried to bribe and deceive
to save yourself.
> 4. The officers could no longer withstand the pressure when the weight
trying to bring order situation. He was forced to shoot one of the passengers who did not want to queue. Feeling sorry and helpless, he shot himself!
> 5. There are also people who jump into the sea to swim to pursue
> Lifeboats that have been moved.
> 6. There are also those who pray with passion pleading
> 7. Ordinary people, all fighting to be able to get into the boat
> Savior.
> 8. There are also those (like Jack and Rose) who do not want to loose
with each other, but did not care about! How selfish love is blind.
> 9. And of course, there are a bunch of music players that made history
by continuing to play music to death in the midst of those who panic.
> So the question is: if you're on the Titanic in
> You are going to react like what? You deem it appropriate reaction? What
> Titanic is a real catastrophe. He is the only
ship in history who claimed to not be drowned, but he sank in the first voyage. What to do with us?
> From real stories that we learn that in normal circumstances, each
people seem nice, friendly, friendly, hard to know exactly who is good or bad character. But once the crisis hit. nah! At that moment, everyone's true nature appears! Like a flood that gave rise to all the dirt, so too will bring misery and misfortune, with clear who is good and who's not good. In a state of crisis,
> Original character of each person will seem more real. This could be our
observe in everyday life, people around us, including ourselves.
> Another important lesson is that many among us who feel
he Titanic: we often apply as we will never die.
We can not feel defeated by age, disease, and deaths, undefeated against Law of impermanence. Cloaked by the illusion
> Temporariness not to discuss but to live up to the
> Marrow bones. The approaching death is the most powerful motivation for us to reach a state that transcends death.
> Right on the day we are born, we are all Titanic WAS
> Sink, began his journey toward death. The problem is that we
never know how much a part of our life boat
still above the water. Have you planned how to save themselves?
> How can you be out of the ship? There's an old adage in India: "The most amazing thing in this world is that we all live as though we will still be alive tomorrow morning."
> On one day, we're not going to live longer and parts
> Scary is 'tomorrow' it could mean really tomorrow! Hopefully, we can
> Appreciate life and realize how important life and beyond
> Today. Yes, realize it today! Because tomorrow may be
> It's too late.
> Yeah, yeah, you've never heard this kind of advice a thousand times.
> So, what will become longer as one piece of advice
> Define your own. You can start seriously thinking about it
right now, or tomorrow ...???


| Tuesday, June 22, 2010 | |


Decorated with human nature
With love as his grace

To be able to love-love life
Men and women
To be able to develop offspring
By the successor to the struggle

That God put
love image

The value of love in chastity

So please do not abuse the
As a satisfied appetite satan
And also do not love kaujadikan
Damage maker

When comes love
Be careful and vigilant
Take care, nurture, and Overcome

So until the time
Both lawful
When Bear arrived at the point of love marriage

Many have young shoots
Fall prior to developing

Victim of evil lust
The behalf of love
Do you tarnish the image of love
Which is sacred and precious

Be thankful for the gift of love
Maintain the value of love image

Create Logo Google and Yahoo with the your Name

| Sunday, June 20, 2010 | |
Create Logo Google and Yahoo with the your Name

Ever see a preview of the Google search engine? (Google Seacrh engines) must have been yes. If the display Yahoo? or Yahoo Search? I'm sure once too. now we can make a logo Google and Yahoo with our names. That is, their Google Words can be replaced by the word that we make, be our version of the search engines.
To create a logo like google, just click on direct.
His name 0007google but from disclaimernya nothing to do with Google. Just for fun, just saying.
Whereas if you make a logo such as on Yahoo, click on
hopefully useful to you.

Re-Install Windows XP Without Activation

| Sunday, June 20, 2010 | |
Re-Install Windows XP Without Activation

Windows XP users get around to doing the activation of Windows to Microsoft website within 30 days

The most striking difference is felt that new users migrate to Windows XP is the addition of the Windows Product Activation, or WPA. This program will force the user to the Microsoft Windows activation to the site within 30 days.
If within the time allowed you as the user has not also perform the activation of Windows you will be locked and only can be reused after you activate it.

The same rule was applied in a variety of new software in circulation lately. Let's take the example of anti-virus products from Symantec, Norton AntiVirus 2004. This software has also adopted the activation before you can use it fully. Options granted general activation is via the Internet or by telephone.

Seeing the trend of this activation, you may wonder, for what software activation? The idea behind the making of this activation is to reduce software piracy. With the activation, software developers can ensure that products used in accordance with user license purchased. Suppose a user has a Windows XP license for one user, the user is then enabled Windows him. If he has another computer and want to install Windows the same time without buying additional licenses, and Windows on a second computer that will not be used for more than 30 days. The reason, Windows can not be activated due to licensing issues.

Although the application of Product Activation This made solutions for developers of the program, but how this could be a stumbling block to the owner of officially licensed. Why? Because, if the computer owner to reinstall the operating system after performing the activation, he can no longer activate Windows for his second. But, do not be angry and disappointed with the first issue. PCplus have a solution! Follow these steps before you reinstall Windows.

1. Click [Start]> [All Programs]> [Accessories]> [Windows Explorer].
2. Create a new folder, for example with a backup on drive D.
3. Go into the folder C: WINDOWSsystem32. If you install Windows on another drive, you can customize it with a drive that you use.
4. On the right side of an information window will appear stating that the file in the folder in the hidden condition. Click on the hyperlink [Show the contents of this folder] to display the contents of the System32 folder.
5. After the System32 folder opens, look for a file called WPA.DBL.
6. Copy these files to a folder WPA.DBL you've previously created (D: ackup)

If you have done the steps above, now's the time you reinstall Windows XP. You can format the hard drive and do Å“Fresh Installâ € â €? safely. After a new Windows installed on your computer:

1. Restart the computer and press the [F8] on the keyboard just before the computer into the Windows operating system.
2. Select [Safe Mode] to enter the mode Å“amanâ â € €?.
3. In Safe mode, run back to Windows Explorer.
4. Go into the folder where you store backup files WPA.DBL, then re-copy the file to the folder C: WINDOWSsystem32.
5. When you paste WPA.DBL file, will display the information that the file is already available in the System32 folder. Click [Yes] to overwrite.
6. The final step, restart Windows and see, Windows XP no longer ask for activation!

One important note for you, make sure you use hardware that nothing has changed before and after you reinstall Windows. If you change the hardware on the new Windows installation, you can not use this trick.

Maria ozama see Indonesian artist

| Sunday, June 20, 2010 | |
miyabi Miyabi, Peterporn, Luna Maya and Cut Tari

Miyabi, ‘Peterporn’, Luna Maya and Cut Tari – Porn videos allegedly featuring Indonesian celebrities — Nazriel “Ariel” Ilham, Luna Maya and Cut Tari – have attracted the attention of not only domestic viewers but also in Japan. Porn star from Japan, Maria Ozawa a.k.a.

Miyabi, also paid a special attention to the porn blockbusters. On Twitter, Miyabi commented at her account on the videos with the title of “Peterporn”.
At the account updated from last Friday to Saturday, Miyabi revealed that she finally got the tapes after searching for them for two days. “Guys, after a two-day search on the web, today I get the real video of ‘Peterporn’. Many thanks for my followers in Indonesia who give the link… ,” Miyabi commented as quoted by She got curious with the stars on the videos. The actress, who is also French-Canadian blend, really wanted to know the stars on the movies. According to her, the man is handsome and the ladies are beautiful. The porn star with a rose and sakura picture adorning her left arm expressed her intention to get to know more about the man with the title of ‘Peterporn” and his intimate partners.

Signs of the Apocalypse According to Islam

| Sunday, June 20, 2010 | |
Signs of the Apocalypse According to Islam

Instead Huzaifah bin Asid Al-Ghifari ra. said: "Come to our Prophet. at that time and we're talking. Then he said: "What are you talking about?". We replied: "We're talking about days qiamat".

Then the Holy Prophet. He said: "Not going to happen today that you saw earlier qiamat ten kinds of signs." Then he mentioned: "Smoke, Dajjal, the beast, the sun rises from the place of the sinking, the decline Isa ibn Maryam alaihissalam, Gog and Ma'juj, earthquakes three times, once in the east, once in the west and the third in the Arabian Peninsula end once the fire had gone out of the country of Yemen that will drive people to their Mahsyar Padang. "

H.R Muslimi

Ten signs mentioned qiamat Prophet. in this tradition is qiamat signs that the big moment will occur at nearly the arrival day qiamat. Ten signs it is:

   1. Dukhan (smoke) will come out and lead to diseases such as selsema among those who believe and will kill all infidels.
   2. Antichrist who will bring great slander that will meragut faith, hinggakan crowded with people who will be deceived by his appeal.
   3. Dabbah-border animal that comes out of the Mount Safa in Makkah who would speak again bahawa people do not believe in Allah swt.
   4. The sun will rise from the place of sinking. So at that time Allah Almighty. no longer receive the faith of the Gentiles, and do not accept repentance than the sinner.
   5. The decrease of Prophet Jesus alaihissalam to the surface of this earth. He will support the government of Imam Mahadi a sovereign at that time and he will break all crosses made oleb Kristian people and he also will kill the Antichrist.
   6. The exit of the nations Gog and Ma'juj who will make mischief on the surface of this earth, namely, when they triumphed destroy the walls are made of iron mixed with copper which have been erected by Zul Qarnain along with his aides in the past.
   7. Earthquakes in the East .. This may be referring to the earthquake in China, the tsunami in Aceh.
   8. Earthquakes in the West. It is possible that this will happen in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and Latin American countries
   9. The earthquake in the Arabian Peninsula .. Possible cases of landslides in Egypt as an opener.
  10. Big fire that will drive people toward the Padang Mahsyar. The fire will be started from the direction of the country of Yemen. (What's this nuclear danger?)

Following the opinion of Imam Ibn Hajar al-Fath Asqalani Bari in the book he says: "What can dirajihkan (selected opinions) of the set of the hadiths of the Prophet. bahawa Beast is that preceded the release of all marker-marker that can cause large changes in prevailing on the surface of this earth. The situation would be ended with the death of Prophet Jesus alaihissalam (after buying out of the sky). Then the sun rises from the place of the sinking is the beginning signs of a large qiamat that will harm the natural system where the event horizon will be concluded with the occurrence of events that terrible qiamat. Perhaps the release of the animals mentioned in the day it was happening at that time the sun rises from the place of sinking. "
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