Gymnastics Movement 7 Sharpening Eye Sight

| Saturday, July 10, 2010 | |

Gymnastics Movement 7 Sharpening Eye Sight

Eye exercises do not just make eyes remained alert and healthy. Gelambir wrinkles and bags under the eyes can also be prevented. Movement is fairly easy to do every day.

One of the important organs of our senses is the eye. Unfortunately the rush and routine work makes us forget mengolahragakan eye. Sports eye means the eye moves with certain movements to enhance the ability of the eye itself. The aim is to avoid the various disorders of the eye, such as disease farsightedness, nearsightedness, the eye was blurred, eye pain and red eyes.

Lifestyle and eating habits can also lead to erroneous disruption of the eye. In patients with diabetes and hypertension, possibly affected by cataracts, glaucoma, and retinopathy (damage to the lining of the way the eye) could happen. The same thing can cause disease in the eye when you are often depressed, stressed or love angry.

Maintain and train the eye to keep it healthy is not difficult. According to Gin Djing Oei, who is also akupunturis Qigong and pranic practitioner who lives in Jakarta, there is an easy way to train your eyes can still see the beauty of the world, namely with doing eye exercises every day.

Eye exercises is very useful for those of you who frequently use the eyes when working. Like accountants, scientists, tailors, book lovers, writers, students, computer specialists, and anyone that many take advantage of his eyes. Gymnastics can be performed in a standing position, sitting, lying down, and eyes closed condition. Further, said Oei, eye exercises have many benefits. For example, reduce or eliminate the eye disease, prevent the emergence of a tumor in the back of the eye and in the pituitary gland (pituitary), menghilanqkan circles and puffy under the eyes or eliminate eye bags, reduce wrinkles around the eyes, making the eyes and surrounding muscles become elastic and strong, and sharpen vision.

We recommend that before and after doing gymnastics eye movements, hand rubbed until hot. Then put your palms over your eyes for 2.5 minutes, he said. Movements as follows:

1. Head straight forward. Move your eyes upward (the ceiling), then look to the floor. Perform this movement slowly and steadily 50-10 times every day.

2. Move your eyeballs to the left and right. Try like to see the ears. Perform this movement as much as 50-10 times per day.

3. Move your eyes upward. Hold the ball above the eye. Then move into the top left and right top. Perform this movement as much as 50-10 times each day.

4. Move your eyes down and hold it down. Then move the ball into the lower left eye and into the bottom right. Perform this movement as much as 50-10 times per day.

5. Move your eyes upwards and downwards in opposite corners (alternating), starting from the top left corner to the lower right corner. Perform this movement as much as 50-10 times each day.

6. Move your eyeballs as in previous movements, but starting from the bottom left corner to the upper right corner.

7. Rotate the ball to the left eye clockwise 50-10 times as much. Then, rotate the eye ball to the right, opposite the clockwise direction as much as 50-10 times. Perform this movement as much as 50-10 times. (Note: at the time will change in the rotation to the left, first stop and close your eyes for 50-10 seconds).

source: senior;

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