Honey And Fruit to cure various diseases

| Sunday, June 13, 2010 | |
Honey And Fruit to cure various diseases

Dr. Aman has been doing research on "Honey And Fruit" and it managed to find 24 kinds of recipes to cure various diseases, namely:
1. Bananas mixed with honey and milk, the benefits are good for baby food

2. Bananas mixed with honey, dates and milk every day, its usefulness is the best way to strengthen your body

3. Yorghut eaten with honey and bananas, the benefits are heightens the body's resistance tuberculosis

4. Bananas are crushed into powder, mixed with a glass of young coconut water and a little honey, then filtered. is beneficial for patients with measles, tuberculosis, and inflammation of the tonsils

5. A few drops of juice of fresh young papaya mixed with honey, its usefulness is mother's milk Streamlining

6. Ripe papaya mixed with honey is to overcome the lack of benefits beresan urine tract, heart problems, liver, brain, nerves, blood, hemorrhoids and constipation

7. Papaya mixed with milk and honey, the benefit is an excellent tonic for growing children, pregnant women and lactating

8. Orange juice and honey, its usefulness is to help overcome a heart condition

9. A full glass of orange juice plus sejemput tablespoonful of salt and honey, is beneficial for patients with tuberculosis, asthma, colds and bronchitis

10. Fresh orange flowers mixed with honey, the benefit is an effective tonic for the heart and nerves

11. Full glass of fresh watermelon juice mixed with a tablespoon of honey, the benefits are treating complaints of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and blood pressure
12. Watermelon juice mixed with honey, the benefit is to reduce fever

13. A glass of water mixed with honey and milk mango, its usefulness is a tonic to stimulate appetite, memory and increase body weight

14. A glass of tomato juice mixed with honey and cardamom sejemput, and drunk after swallowing three cloves of garlic every night before sleep benefit is a powerful tonic in menyembuhan tuberculosis and chest diseases

15. Coconut water mixed with a little honey, its usefulness is to stimulate the sexual centers of the body and eliminate the adverse side effects of excessive sexual desire

16. Eradicate coir cup cooking water and tapeworm roundworm coconut mixed with honey is beneficial exterminator roundworms and tapeworms.

17. A teaspoon of fresh Moringa leaf juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey and a glass of young coconut water, drink two or three times a day is a drug benefit for people with dysentery, diarrhea, colitis and jaundice

18. a. Tablespoon fresh Moringa leaf juice mixed with honey, taken every night before bed is beneficial Healing rabut night, weak memory, loss of sense of smell, hearing and weak.
b. Tablespoon fresh Moringa leaf juice mixed with a little honey and lemon juice added, was drunk every night before bed is beneficial cure headaches, hemorrhoids are spending a lot of bleeding, nose bleeding, keseduan, biliary disorders, indigestion, morning sickness and also the absorption of nutrients in the blood that substandard
19. Full glass of carrot juice mixed with a spoonful of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice and drink before breakfast benefit is overcoming morning sickness in pregnant women, gall bladder disorders, gastritis and body peeing little pooped

20. Full glass of cucumber juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of fresh lime juice, taken twice a day is beneficial facilitate urination (diuretic) in patients with high blood diseases, poisoning during pregnancy, urine is slightly less because of body fluids

21. One teaspoon of onion juice with 4 teaspoons of honey and two eggs boiled half cooked, eaten every day for two or three months the benefit is strengthening the nervous system and preventing the premature gray hair

22. Eat spinach cooked with honey is beneficial to heal peptic ulcers, chronic constipation, leucorrhoea and abnormalities in liver

23. One cup of fresh spinach juice mixed with honey and cardamom powder sejemput beneficial during pregnancy is still a good baby growth, flexing the muscles of the uterus, preventing the wasteful use of calcium and iron in the body and eases childbirth

24. One tablespoon of spinach juice with a few drops of honey, given once daily to babies after two weeks after the birth of the benefit is to help the baby grow healthy and strong, prevent constipation and ease the process of tooth growth.

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