Pearl said Love

| Tuesday, January 19, 2010 | |
* Do not occasionally say goodbye if you still want to try. Do occasionally give up if you still feel up. Do not occasionally say you do not love her anymore, if you still can not forget it.
    * Love can change bitter into sweet, switch dust gold, cloudy to clear, the sick were healed, the prison into the lake, pain becomes pleasure and anger into mercy.
    * It hurts to love someone who does not love you, but more painful is
      love someone and you never have the courage to express your love to him.
    * If you love someone, we will always mendo'akannya although he was not at our side.
    * God gave us two legs to walk, two hands to hold, two ears to hear and two eyes to see. But why did God only bestows a piece of our hearts? Since God has provided another piece of our hearts to someone to find him. That's Love ...
    * Love comes to those who still have hope, although they have been disappointed. To those who still believe, even though they had been betrayed. To those who still want to love, even though they've been hurt before and To those who have the courage and conviction to build back trust.
    * Do not store the words of love to someone dear that he died because eventually you have to love words PermataBank records it on pusaranya. Conversely speak words of love that is saved dibenakmu it now while there is life.
    * Maybe God wants us to meet and have sex with the wrong people before meeting the right people, we must understand how to be grateful for this gift.
    * If you want to love or have a heart of a girl, ibaratkanlah like editing a red rose. Sometimes you smell the roses, but sometimes you can feel the rose thorn prick a finger.
    * A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find that in the end be meaningless and you have to let go.
    * Sometimes you do not appreciate someone who loves you wholeheartedly, so you lose it. At that moment, nothing to regret because it goes without saying anymore.
    * Love someone was on the basis of who he is now and not who he was before.
      Acts past need not referred to again, would you really love him sincere.
    * Be careful with love, because love can also make healthy people become sick, overweight people to become thin, normal people become crazy, the rich become poor, the king becomes a slave, if his love has been welcomed by the lovers FALSE.
    * The possibility of what you loved or loved one is stored therein and the possible deterioration
      what do you hate the good stored therein.
    * Love means to treasure Grabber, natural meaning of love to the woman, love of self that is wise, love to die means to live and love in God means Takwa.
    * Throw a happy in love into the sea, he will bring a fish.
      Throw is also a man who failed in love into the warehouse of bread, he will die of starvation.
    * If you can speak in all languages of man and nature, but do not have
      feelings of love and affection, you can not change that resonated like a gong or just a gemericing cymbals.
    * Love is eternal ... and memories are the best thing that ever owned.
    * Anyone good at living up to love, but no one is good at assessing love because love is not an object that can be seen by the invisible, the opposite of love can only be felt through the heart and feelings.
    * Love can soften steel, crushing of stone, raised the dead and
      breathes life into him and made a slave leader. This is the fierce love.
    * Love actually is to let those you love be perfectly themselves and not to twist them into the image you want. If not, you love only the reflection of ourselves that you find within himself.
    * You'll never know when you'll fall in love. But when the time comes it,
      seize with both hands and do not let him go with a million question marks dihatinya taste.
    * Love is not cheap and commonplace words spoken from the mouth kemulut but love is
      grace of God's beautiful and holy, if humans can assess purity.
    * Making love was easy, really easy to be loved too. But to be loved by those we love that is difficult to obtain.
    * If only the presence of love just to disappoint, it's better that love was never present. (Source: Created by Ariez

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